ReFrame: Change

This week in class we made posters in groups and developed themes for the book “All Quiet on the Western Front”. One of the themes was “time in war affects people in negimageative ways”. In other words, war changes the view soldiers have on life. When Paul Baumer returned home while on leave, he wanted to be back on the front with his friends. He didn’t see the world as he used to. An example of being changed for the worse is the negative affect fame has on celebrities. Many celebrities use drugs because they’re able to, they have the money, and because of the overwhelming pressure from the media. Miley Cyrus was an innocent Disney Channel star with the show Hannah Montana, positively influencing young girls and boys with her catchy songs and life lessons in the show. She soon turned to twerking on teddy Bears on stage and trying drugs. Although some people don’t think this was exactly negative, she turned this way because of the attention she recieved, and because she wanted to darken her lifestyle. She is a strong example of this topic, as well as Amanda Bynes, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse.

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